Creating a Safe Place for Dogs When Kids Go Back to School

Creating a Safe Place for Dogs When Kids Go Back to School

Back-to-school season can be a stressful time for both kids and dogs. Kids are excited to start a new year, but dogs may be left feeling lonely and abandoned when their human companions are gone all day. Here are 10 tips to help you create a safe and fun environment for your dog when the kids go back to school:

  1. Start crate training early. If your dog is not already crate trained, start training them now. A crate can provide a safe and secure place for your dog to relax and feel comfortable when you are not home.
  2. Provide plenty of toys and activities. To keep your dog entertained during the day, make sure they have plenty of toys and activities to keep them busy. Puzzle toys, chew toys, and interactive games can all help to keep your dog's mind and body active.
  3. Take your dog for regular walks and exercise. Exercise is essential for both physical and mental health, so make sure your dog is getting enough exercise every day. Even a short walk around the block can help to keep your dog happy and healthy.
  4. Leave a familiar item with your scent. This could be a piece of clothing, a blanket, or even a toy that your dog is used to sleeping with. This will help your dog feel more comfortable and secure when you are not home.
  5. Avoid making a big deal when you leave and come home. When you leave for work or school, try to avoid making a big scene. This will only make your dog more anxious about your absence. Similarly, when you come home, don't greet your dog too enthusiastically. This can also make them anxious and excited, which can lead to destructive behavior.
  6. Consider hiring a dog walker or sitter. If you are going to be gone for long hours, consider hiring a dog walker or sitter to come and check on your dog during the day. This will help to keep your dog from getting bored or lonely.
  7. Socialize your dog with other dogs. This will help your dog to learn how to interact with other dogs in a positive way. If your dog is not used to being around other dogs, they may become aggressive or fearful when they are left alone with other dogs.
  8. Introduce your dog to the school routine gradually. If possible, take your dog to school a few times before the kids go back to school. This will help your dog to get used to the new environment and the sound of children playing.
  9. Be patient and understanding. It may take some time for your dog to adjust to the new routine. Be patient and understanding, and provide your dog with plenty of love and attention.
  10. Have fun! Back-to-school season can be a fun time for both kids and dogs. Make sure to include your dog in the fun activities that you do with your kids.

Following these tips can help you to create a safe and fun environment for your dog when the kids go back to school. With a little planning and preparation, you can help your dog to adjust to the new routine and stay happy and healthy.

Additional tips:

  • If your dog is prone to separation anxiety, you may want to consider using a calming aid, such as a pheromone diffuser or calming treats.
  • If you have a puppy, you will need to be especially careful to provide them with plenty of exercise and stimulation. Puppies are more likely to get bored and destructive when they are left alone for long periods of time.
  • If you have any concerns about your dog's behavior when you are not home, talk to your veterinarian. They can help you to develop a plan to keep your dog safe and comfortable.
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